On this page you’ll find info on why to attend college, financial aid resources, and how to navigate college life. All resources are available in English and Spanish & directed to you, immigrant college students.

why should i go to college?

There is no one reason why students should apply to college. The reasons for everyone may be different, but on this page you can find a few different reasons as to why you should attend and complete college.

types of financial aid

Learn about the various types of financial aid - including scholarships, grants, loans, and work study - and what you can do to access the financial support you need.

private scholarships

This resource will direct you to a variety of financial institutions and private organizations who provide scholarships specifically for undocumented and immigrant students.

colleges that support undocumented students

Learn about the financial aid opportunities and policies at a variety of colleges that support the enrollment and persistence of undocumented students.

navigating life on campus

The transition from high school to college is different for everyone. Review this document for tips and tricks on how to make the transition easier and access support when you need it.

asking for help

In this resource, we break down myths around asking for help, explain who you can ask for help in college, and why it’s so important to your wellbeing and academic success.

for your parents

Your parents, especially if they didn’t attend college themselves, may have questions about this new time in your life. Share with resource with them, so they understand more about the college experience and how to best support you.